الجمعة، 3 أبريل 2015


Tourism in the UAE

When you mention the word "tourism in the UAE," jumping in the imagination of mostly pictures Dubai landmarks and tourist attraction breathlessly, and rarely sneak images and fantasies of the other emirates to the imagination. But in light of her sister naughty step Dubai Emirate of Abu Dhabi and the UAE official capital at a steady pace and direction of one of the most sober and travel and tourism destinations in the Arabian Gulf.
Tourism in Dubai is a unique experience unparalleled in the world is not close to it. This emirate has managed to merge the economic importance of ports constitute berths wandering around global trade routes and is characterized by being a "city-state" independent Xingaforh for example, with the technological and economic importance of the ports of another kind, a port of the global financial and banking sector, such as Manhattan, New York, for example. And travel to Dubai World Space throw this sophisticated merging between these two global Alarthyn the one hand, and the Sahara desert and the Arab culture and the beauty of nature and the sea meet those requirements with picturesque beaches permanent presence in the background

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